张杰送给女儿新歌《Precious》 真是一个有心的爸爸!

时间:2018-02-05 14:16:45       来源: 万家热线

张杰送给女儿新歌《Precious》 真是一个有心的爸爸!

【张杰送给女儿新歌《Precious》 真是一个有心的爸爸!】2月4日中午,张杰在微博上晒出了宝贝女儿的小手手,并带着骄傲和宠爱表示和女儿很有“父女相”:“太像了,嗯,有弹钢琴架势。明天送给她们的歌就听到了。”2月5日,张杰送给女儿的歌发表。



I stay up late thinking about my future day by day

All that happiness you will bring

Can't wait to share my love

Anticipate holding you through the night

I'll cherish you cuddle in my arms

Imagining all the love and things I'll say

Can't wait to see my Precious angel

Heaven only knows

I've been dreaming of you to hold

And I swear to god I'll never let go

Won't let go

I'll protect you

I'll be your shield through the war

And the battles I'll be there

You take away all my worst nightmares

I fantasize all about when you are here

Anticipate holding you through the night

I'll cherish you cuddle in my arms

Imagining all the love and things I'll say

Can't wait to see my Precious angel

Heaven only knows

Just grab my hand and let me be your rope

And I swear to god I'll never let go

Won't let go

The meaning of life oh

I can't wait for god to review you

So beautiful I cannot wait to lay next to you baby

I say Precious angel

Heaven only knows

Just grab my hand and let me be the rope

And I swear I'm never letting you go

No no

And I swear to god I'll never let go

Won't let go


Never let go

Never let go

  1. NO.1 快男李炜签约新公司将发新歌 斥责苏醒恶意炒作诋


  2. NO.2 长江国际音乐节开售早鸟票 好妹妹加盟


  3. NO.3 麦当娜日本开唱闹尴尬 粉丝英文差难互动

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  4. NO.4 金俊秀握手绿巨人 痴迷手办被叫小朋友


  5. NO.5 鹿晗否认演唱会落泪 称撩妹都是顺其自然


  6. NO.6 窦靖童月底将发新专辑 回归自由与真诚

    窦靖童将于4月22日发行首张英文创作专辑《Stone Café》,灵感来自她的国外经历,专辑回归自由与真诚。 

  7. NO.7 好声音刘至佳献歌超女比赛 将发新单曲


  8. NO.8 关智斌暌违八年发新歌《次要角色》
